Services Provided – FACILITIES
The MAC coordinates patient transfer requests to other DHS facilities:
ED to ED (call 866-940-4401)
For an Emergent/Urgent ED transfer request call 866-940-4401 and request an Emergent/Urgent transfer.
(link to prehospital care policy no. 373.3)
**An Emergent/Urgent Condition is a situation in which the transferring DHS hospital has determined that an emergency department patient requires immediate transfer to another DHS hospital for a higher level of medical care in order to prevent loss of life, limb or permanent medical disability that is not provided within that DHS facility.
***These transfers requests require approval from your hospital CMO or Chief of Service, and transportation will be ordered immediately. An attending MD must be available to conference, and the case should be dispositioned within an hour.
Inpatient to Inpatient (Go to ORCHID and open a consult to transfer center)
*For Emergency Life Threatening Condition (ELTC) inpatient requests, call 866-940-4401.
(link to prehospital care policy no. 373.3)
**An ELTC is a situation in which the transferring DHS hospital has determined that an inpatient requires immediate transfer to another DHS hospital for a higher level of medical care in order to prevent loss of life, limb or permanent medical disability that is not provided within that DHS facility.
***These transfers requests require approval from your hospital CMO or Chief of Service, and transportation will be ordered immediately. An attending MD must be available to conference, and the case should be dispositioned within an hour.
ED to inpatient (call 866-940-4401)
Clinic to ED (call 866-940-4401, please fax the patients face sheet to 562-906-4300 prior to calling)
- The MAC cannot transfer an inpatient to an ED, and must exhaust all transfer options within DHS before presenting to outside hospitals. If you wish to transfer your patient to a specific facility outside of DHS, contact the care coordinator or UM nurse at your facility.
The MAC can assist you with a specialty consult requiring a more rapid response. Call 866-940-4401
If you need to be connected with a physician at another DHS facility regarding a patient for any reason and would like your conversation on record, please call us.
If you need to notify us of any change in the status or availability of your services for any reason, please call us.
When you call MAC for a transfer or consult, please be prepared to provide us with:
Your name & contact
Patients name, DOB, MRN, location, Diagnosis, weight, & level of care needed (M/S, Tele, PCU, ICU)
Reason for consult or transfer with pertinent exam and history if needed
We will take this information and contact the proper service at the DHS facility closest to you with the service available. We will connect you with the physician from that service. If your patient is accepted, we will obtain a bed space and arrange transportation for your patient once the bed is obtained.
*the MAC cannot process transfer requests for any facility that is not an Acute Care Hospital
The MAC can assist you with EMTALA transfer requests from your ED (ED to ED, or ED to inpatient)
EMTALA transfers are true medical or surgical emergencies that can result in loss of life or limb or vital functions if not treated in a timely manner. These patients will be presented to the requested specialty service if available and transferred if a bed is available.
The MAC can also assist you with non EMTALA (lateral) transfers if we have available DHS beds. These transfers are only based on availability.
When you call MAC for an ED transfer please be prepared to give:
Your name, facility, and contact info and specify if you have an EMTALA or non EMTALA request (if it is non emtala, we will notify of bed status immediately)
Your Doctor’s full name and contact info. Including their National Provider Identifier (NPI) number
Patient’s name, DOB, Diagnosis, level of care needed, service requested, and reason for transfer
Fax the face sheet and clinical info to 562-906-4300
MAC will take the information, present it to the appropriate service and facility, check for available beds, process the case with DHS utilization management, and provide you with a bed and accepting MD if the transfer is accepted and approved.
*If you are calling with a secondary trauma or 911 transfer to a DHS facility, order your 911 transport, then contact MAC to be connected with the ED attending at the facility you are sending the patient to.
MAC can also assist you with an inpatient transfer, for higher level of care, repatriation, insurance purposes, or continuity of care. Simply fill out the MAC transfer request form available here, then fax it to 562-906-4300 along with a copy of the patients face sheet.
The MAC can also assist any ED with a specialty closure (STEMI, PSC, CSC) or saturation closure (ALS or BLS). MAC can also lift your service area boundaries if you are a service area boundary ED. MAC can also close your facility to Internal Disaster on Reddinet if needed. Just call 866-940-4401 anytime.