Patient Family Partnership Hub

Patient Family Partnership Hub

header-title-decorationPatient Family Partnership Hub


Your voice matters!

Welcome to the Patient Family Partnership Hub! You are joining a community of patients and family caregivers served by Health Services. The Patient Family Partnership Hub is hosted by PFCC partners and the PFA network, a partner of Health Services. Hub members will collaborate on solutions for improving care in Los Angeles County.

We are looking for passionate community members to share their experiences. Together we can make care better for everyone in Los Angeles!

The Patient Family Partnership Hub gives you the chance to:

  • Lift the voices of your community to help inspire change in the health system
  • Collaborate on improvement projects across the Health Services health system
  • Stay up to date with healthcare in Los Angeles
  • Connect with other patient and family caregivers

To join the Patient Family Partnership Hub, please send an email to Miguel Renteria at


Orientation Video

Watch this 13-minute video to learn more about Health Services, Patient Family Engaged Care, and the Patient Family Partnership Hub.