Rancho Restorative Garden
The Rancho Restorative Garden was developed by Occupational Therapy in 2010. Occupational Therapists provide both individual and group treatment sessions that may include starting seedlings, potting succulents, trimming hedges, or deadheading flowers. Raised garden beds offer the opportunity for those with limited mobility to participate in growing and harvesting vegetables and herbs that are then used in the Occupational Therapy Kitchen where patients can cook with fresh offerings from the Garden. Garden-related therapeutic activities such as painting pots, building birdhouses, and creating lavender sachets also occur in the garden.
The Occupational Therapy Vocational Services Program uses the Garden as a real-life venue to practice work skills such as landscaping, carpentry, and construction-related garden projects. Recreational Therapy utilizes the garden to explore leisure interests and hobbies with their patients. The Garden also offers a class through the Don Knabe Wellness Center where wellness center members can join in garden-related tasks. Garden volunteers help to maintain the garden and support the various activities.
The barn and windmill situated in the Garden pay homage to Rancho’s roots as a Los Angeles County Poor Farm, where all were welcomed and no one was turned away. The same is true today as our garden welcomes everyone including patients, visitors and staff who stop by to enjoy all the sights, sounds, and activities our Rancho Restorative Garden has to offer.
To learn more about the garden, please contact:
Michele Berro, MA, OTR/L
Occupational Therapy Manager/Program Coordinator
562) 385-7571 or mberro@dhs.lacounty.gov
To volunteer, please contact:
Verenice Zepeda
Director, Volunteer Services
(562) 385-7654 or vzepeda@dhs.lacounty.gov
Rancho’s Restorative Garden is sponsored by the Rancho Los Amigos Foundation.