Adaptive Outdoor Adventure


header-title-decorationAdaptive Outdoor Adventure

Our Mission 

To provide opportunities for participants to engage in a variety of activities within a Recreation Therapy facilitated program to enhance leisure exploration, healthy challenge, continued involvement in the rehabilitation process, overall quality of life, and the ability to establish new life goals for continued growth. 

Adaptive Outdoor Adventure Participant requirements: 

  • New participants must complete the AOA application AND Physical Evaluation with Recreation Therapy prior to participating in activities. 
  • Be at least 16 years of age. 
  • Have completed an inpatient or outpatient program at Rancho and discharged to an off grounds placement OR be current outpatients at Rancho. Sign Rancho Liability Waivers and Adaptive Outdoor Adventure Code of Conduct  
  • Program liability waivers, paperwork, and/or doctor’s consent forms must be signed and submitted prior to participation. 
  • Provide own transportation to and from activities and outings. 
  • Pay for own activities & sign up in advance to reserve their spot for activities. 
  • Deadline for registration is two days prior to date of activity. 

 Adaptive Outdoor Adventure Activities include: 

 Please note that due to the skill-set of some activities, an equipment skill evaluation may be scheduled to ensure the participant’s functional and physical ability of activity. 

 PICK UP A CALENDAR at the Don Knabe Wellness Center or from the Marilyn Hilton Resource Center located in the Outpatient Building lobby-1st Floor. 

 For More Information please contact: Recreation TherapistJosephine Ho (562) 385-8488  


 Rancho’s Adaptive Outdoor Adventure program is sponsored in part by the Rancho Los Amigos Foundation.