MHLA Newsletter – July 2022

MHLA Newsletter – July 2022

MHLA Newsletter – July 2022 150 150 My Health LA
mhla august

MHLA Community Partner Connection Newsletter

Community Partners,

Happy Summer! Please stay safe as we emerge from the latest Omicron surge. COVID-19 is definitely continuing to make its way through our communities. As you all know, COVID-19 testing and vaccines are still available for free for all MHLA participants.

My Health LA has moved offices – we are still in Alhambra but in a different building. Our new address is 1000 South Fremont Avenue, Building A-11, Ground Floor, Suite 11010 Alhambra, CA 91803. Our phone numbers remained the same, so feel free to continue reaching out to the staff and the SME line at the same numbers.

We mentioned a while back that Alluma would be sunsetting the One-e-App system. We have come to an agreement to continue using One-e-App through the end of 2022 and we strongly believe we will be able to keep doing so until early 2024. We will let you know when we finalize the contract for next year.

MHLA is concluding the FY 21-22 audit season and we will share results from this year’s audits soon. We are also in the process of updating the audit tools and will post FY 22-23 tools on the MHLA website. We will continue conducting audits remotely in FY 22-23 (except for new sites). We share our appreciation for all of you who helped the MHLA team complete the audits.

Last month, I reminded you all that DHS provides comprehensive women’s health services, including abortions. CPs should have access to abortion services for uninsured patients (including MHLA participants) through their existing network of providers, which can bill emergency Medi-Cal for the services. However, if you are unable to access abortion service for MHLA participants, you can submit an eConsult for GYN services. Let us know if you have any questions about the process.

As always, thank you for all you do and please let us know any exciting news at your clinics! And don’t forget to let us know if you are planning to open new sites, so we can walk you through the process.   – Anna Gorman

988 Banner

988 – Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

988 – Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 415 415 My Health LA

Many people in the United States will struggle with mental health in their lives, with a considerable portion unable to access mental health services due to costs or other barriers. In response, Congress has expanded free national mental health services.

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What Changes to Expect: Aged 50+ Full-Scope Medi-Cal Expansion

What Changes to Expect: Aged 50+ Full-Scope Medi-Cal Expansion 1024 683 My Health LA

On July 31, 2022, approximately 23,000 MHLA members that are aged 50+ will be disenrolled from My Health LA. What should we be expect in the coming months?

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Compliance Concept

Mental Health Prevention Services: Audits and Updates

Mental Health Prevention Services: Audits and Updates 1024 683 My Health LA

My Health LA would like to thank our CPs that are continuing with the mental health prevention project. Our partnership with the Department of Mental Health (DMH) is a great step towards providing mental health prevention services for Los Angeles County residents who would otherwise not be able to access it.

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File sharing via internet

Investigation of eConsult Referrals and Practices

Investigation of eConsult Referrals and Practices 1024 682 My Health LA

My Health LA is looking into a few issues regarding expected practices, professionalism, and proficiency regarding eConsult. One major aspect involves referrals of non-MHLA participants from CPs and partner clinics via the eConsult portal.

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