Mental Health Prevention Services: Audits and Updates

Mental Health Prevention Services: Audits and Updates

By: Jorrel Sampana, MHLA

Mental Health Prevention Services: Audits and Updates

Mental Health Prevention Services: Audits and Updates 1024 683 My Health LA

My Health LA would like to thank our CPs that are continuing with the mental health prevention project. Our partnership with the Department of Mental Health (DMH) is a great step towards providing mental health prevention services for Los Angeles County residents who would otherwise not be able to access it. For our CPs who would like one-on-one training support sessions regarding the mental health component, please e-mail Robert Levine at

Be aware that the ongoing DMH audits have found that several CPs either have not provided mental health prevention services to MHLA participants as detailed in the MHLA contract or are not submitting the mandated regular reports. For  FY 21-22 CPs were required to submit monthly discharge reports to DMH, even if there were no discharges from mental health services to report (i.e. “0 discharged”).

This reporting is an important component of the project  and ensures that CPs receive appropriate support for their mental health prevention services.  CPs that are unable to demonstrate compliance with the mental health prevention services in FY 21-22 (including those CPs who may have opted out for FY 22-23) may be liable for reimbursement to Los Angeles County. MHLA asks that any CP who is unable to provide MHPS (now or in the future—for any reason) to notify your MHLA program advocate.