On July 31, 2022, approximately 23,000 MHLA members that are aged 50+ will be disenrolled from My Health LA. What should we be expect in the coming months?
Since the expansion took effect, new enrollment was reduced by 36% (the monthly average of aged 50+ applicants). An estimated average of 430 total participants turning 50 will be disenrolled each month.
Since preventive health care is important for older adults, we ask Community Partners to ensure that the 50+ population do not have a gap in coverage. MHLA participants that are about to turn 50 are encouraged to enroll in restricted Medi-Cal to ensure a smooth transition to full-scope Medi-Cal.
Once transitioned, participants must enroll in a Medi-Cal health plan and choose a primary care provider under the plan. If they wish to stay in the same medical home, Community Partners should guide them in choosing the proper health plan and primary care provider, so their assigned clinic will not change.
A new flyer regarding the Medi-Cal expansion is under development and will be sent out once completed and will include hyperlinks for CPs to utilize. Also, in the future CPs will receive a list of MHLA participants who have transitioned successfully to full-scope Medi-Cal and those that show as not having Medi-Cal. MHLA strongly suggests that CPs utilize this upcoming data to outreach to those individuals for Medi-Cal enrollment and to retain them as patients within your respective network.
Currently in this month of July, MHLA currently has several staff reaching out via phone to MHLA participants who may qualify for full-scope Medi-Cal. In addition to reaching out to the MHLA population, MHLA is also asking that CPs reach out beyond the MHLA population. There are many more Los Angeles County residents are not enrolled in MHLA and are eligible for Medi-Cal under the 50+ expansion.