MHLA Community Partner Connection Newsletter
Community Partners,
I hope everyone has had a good start to the summer and that you enjoyed the 4th of July with fireworks, barbecues and loved ones. As we continue the long recovery from the pandemic, we are bringing more of our patients back to in-person care at Health Services clinics. We encourage you to do so with the MHLA participants as well. In response to declining demand and partners’ requests, LA County also is closing many of its COVID-19 testing sites. At the same time, we are monitoring possible hot spots and are responding with pop-up testing sites or kiosks. For those CPs that were offering community testing, please let us know if you are no longer doing so and we should take you off the LA County testing site.
I am sure you all saw the announcement that California plans to extend full-scope Medi-Cal to adults age 50+, regardless of immigration status. We know that has been a long, hard fight, and thank you to all of you who advocated for the expansion. We will work together over the next year to prepare for the transition of many of our MHLA participants.
Please note that we have redesigned our CP Connection. This month, we have included articles on upcoming X-Waiver trainings, Medi-Cal screening at Health Services facilities, a significant number of participants due for renewal in August and a Q&A regarding HIV patients. In future months, we would love to include more news and photos from you all. Please send updates to editor Ray Plaza at
Thank you very much, Anna Gorman
X-Waiver Trainings in LA County
X-Waiver Trainings in LA County 1024 540 My Health LA // final virtual X-Waiver Trainings being offered free for providers this summer. We hope you or other providers at your clinic will attend.
learn moreFinancial Screening Required to Receive Free Care at Health Services
Financial Screening Required to Receive Free Care at Health Services 1024 683 My Health LA // is to remind you that MHLA participants receiving care at Health Services specialty care clinics or hospitals will be screened by Los Angeles County Health Services staff for Medi-Cal and other health insurance programs.
learn moreHigher Renewals Expected This Coming August
Higher Renewals Expected This Coming August 762 1024 My Health LA // than 14,000 My Health LA participants – more than 10% of the enrollees – will be due for renewal on August 31. To prepare, we encourage CPs to conduct outreach to remind participants of their due date.
learn moreMHLA & HIV Q & A
MHLA & HIV Q & A 1024 683 My Health LA // here to see the Q&A.
learn moreeConsult User Application Available on eConsult
eConsult User Application Available on eConsult 851 272 My Health LA // eConsult user accounts will be available within the eConsult platform starting 7/12/2021. Requests will need to be submitted by your agency’s Organization Administrator (OrgAdmin).
learn moreMHLA Formulary Alternatives
MHLA Formulary Alternatives 1024 863 My Health LA // wanted to share with you a list of medications that are commonly rejected because they are not on the My Health LA formulary, along with an abridged list of formulary alternatives.
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