Orthotics and Prosthetics Services
For over 60 years, the Orthotics and Prosthetics Services at Rancho is a unique and critical resource for providing optimal patient care to individuals with neurological and musculoskeletal disorders that impact either walking or upper extremity function.
A unit of Rancho Research Institute, we provide a full range of orthotic and prosthetic services to the various diagnostic areas for both inpatients and outpatients. Staff practitioners are part of the multi-disciplinary team that works together to develop an assessment and treatment plan for the clients. Practitioners consult with therapists and physicians to determine the best design for each patient. The department’s on-site location at RLANRC allows quick response and follow-up to the needs of the medical center, as well as easy access for clinic patients. Our staffs are composed of highly skilled orthotists, prosthetist, and fitters. We provide a full range of devices for the legs, arms, and spine. Various designs, from custom to prefabricated devices, are utilized to enhance function in the most cost-effective manner. We provide excellent care to our patients.
For more information, please contact:
Director: Chuck DuBourdieu, CPO
Rancho Ext 58143
Rancho Office: (562) 385-8143
Rives Office: (562) 381-0622
Cell: (562) 522-4106
Email: chuckd@ranchoresearch.org
Email: cdubourdieuiii@dhs.lacounty.gov
To learn more about the Orthotics and Prosthetics Department, click here.