Social Work
To serve a diverse population with integrity by promoting self-determination and improving quality of life.
Compassionate leaders in providing high quality and accessible mental health and psychosocial services for patients and families across the continuum of care.
- Social workers provide a range of services in both inpatient and outpatient settings to assist with the patient’s transition from the hospital to the community.
- Social workers are also available to staff for education, support, and consultation as needed.
Bilingual services can be arranged as needed.
Clinical Social Workers
- Are trained and experienced in addressing the needs of patients with spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, and neurological disorders
- Partner with patients and families to identify their strengths or abilities to cope with hospitalization and disability
- Involve patients and families in planning for their return to the community
Work as members of the interdisciplinary team and are available to staff for consultation
Medical Case Workers
- Interact with community services to provide information and referrals to patients and families
- Assist with the placement process if the patient is unable to return home following hospitalization
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Counselors
- Provide assessment, treatment and education for SUD patients
Community Health Workers
- Provide linkage to community-based resources and provide support and encouragement to help patients achieve health, improve their health care utilization and improve overall wellbeing and function in society
Social workers provide a range of services that are culturally sensitive and appropriate to the needs and abilities of each patient and family, including:
- Assessment of patient and family needs
- Counseling
- Support groups for patients and families
- Patient and family education
- Crisis intervention
- Coordination of patient discharge and continuity of care
- Access to community resources
Clinical social workers may work with individuals, groups or families depending on their circumstances to assist with:
- Adjustment to hospitalization
- Adjustment to disability
- Stress management
- Coping skills
- Problem-solving
- Social interaction
The social work department provides patients and families with an opportunity to meet with clinical social workers regarding their emotional, social, and personal needs. Services are free and may include the following:
- Emotional support and counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Patient and family education
- Information and referrals to community resources to assist with:
- Health or mental health needs
- Housing
- Transportation
- In-home supportive services
- Other personal concerns
Social Work Department Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: Clinical Social Work Department, Outpatient Bldg. 2008, 2nd Floor.
Phone: (562) 385-7867
No appointment is necessary. Clinical social workers are also available by phone during office hours. If unable to come in you may call during clinic hours, please contact the Social Work Department at (562) 385-7867 for assistance. The Social Work Department is open Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Patient Financial Services: (562) 385-7320
Member Services: (562) 385-7845
Medical Records: (562) 385-7121
Social Work Department: (562) 385-7867
ACCESS Transportation
(800) 827-0829
Department of Mental Health
(800) 854-7771 (24 hours/7 days)
In-Home Supportive Services
(888) 944-4477 or (213) 744-4477
LA County Health and Nutrition Hotline
(877) 597-4777
LA County Helpline
Social Security Administration
(800) 772-1213
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255
Substance Abuse Hotline
(800) 564-6600
Child Abuse Hotline
(800) 540-4000
Elder Abuse Hotline
(877) 477-3646
Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-7233