

An adjustment to the assessment can be made if the square footage used in its calculation is incorrect.

The square footage used to calculate the assessment was obtained from the County Assessor’s Office. This information is available at your Regional Assessor’s Office, on the Assessor’s web site, or by calling the toll-free Information Line at 1-866-5TRAUMA, or 1-866-587-2862. The square footage used to calculate the assessment for a property for Fiscal Year 2023-24, can also be calculated by dividing the amount of the assessment on the property tax bill by the tax rate or $0.05. For example, if the amount of the assessment is $75.00, the square footage assessed is 1,500 square feet, which is derived by dividing $75.00 by $0.05.

If you have questions about how the square footage was determined, see “How is the assessment calculated?” under Frequently Asked Questions. You can also obtain printed materials in this regard from your Regional Assessor’s Office and at the public service counters in the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration building located at 500 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

If you believe the square footage used to calculate your assessment is incorrect, complete and submit an Assessment Adjustment Request forms, which can be viewed and printed on this site and are also available at your Regional Assessor’s office and the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration building.