Trauma, Emergency & Bioterrorism Response Assessment
You can receive information and instructions in English. If you need information or instructions in another language, please call the Trauma/Emergency/ Bioterrorism Response Information Line at 1-866-5TRAUMA (1-866-587-2862).
You may also select any of the following to view additional detailed information regarding the purpose, authorization, and calculation of the assessment, allocation of the assessment, and the process for requesting an adjustment due to the square footage used, or calamity or misfortune.
Printed materials containing information on this website and forms are also available at your regional Assessor’s office and at the public service counters in the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration located at 500 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Information can also be accessed using the toll-free Information Line 1-866-5TRAUMA (1-866-587-2862).
Note: This website is not intended for ER or trauma emergency services. Please call 911 or your local emergency phone number for assistance.