Capacity-Strengthening for Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations

Capacity-Strengthening for Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations

By: LA County Staff

Capacity-Strengthening for Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations

Capacity-Strengthening for Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations 599 206 My Health LA

The Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA) in the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs is expanding the Capacity-Strengthening for Immigrant-Focused Community-Based Organizations grant program funded by Los Angeles County’s American Rescue Plan allocation.

The application period is now open, and submissions will be accepted through October 27, 2023, by 5:00 p.m. PST.

The initiative’s goals include evaluating, sharing, strengthening, and implementing best practices from the pandemic response and services for immigrant communities into the post-pandemic recovery period and beyond.

This announcement follows OIA’s first cohort of grantees in 2022, aimed at helping immigrants and their families recover from the pandemic. The Center for Nonprofit Management (CNM), an organization with a proven track record of strengthening nonprofit capacity, serves as grant administrator on this initiative.

The eventual 2023 cohort awardees will focus on ensuring expert legal representation and access to vital support services that address clients’ unique needs, specifically through case management efficiencies and innovations.

Grant program participants will be selected through an application process administered by CNM in partnership with OIA. A total of 18 organizations will be selected for $125,000 grant awards.

Interested applicants can register here for an information session at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 28. For more information about the initiative, visit Grant-specific questions can be addressed to CNM’s Joni Byun at or (213) 266-8448.