Medi-Cal Incentive Program

Medi-Cal Incentive Program

By: Jorrel Sampana, MHLA
Incentive Program

Medi-Cal Incentive Program

Medi-Cal Incentive Program 1024 749 My Health LA

Early this month, we sent out emails and a PIN that details the Medi-Cal Enrollment Incentive Project. The goal of this project is to incentivize our Community Partners to enroll My Health LA participants into Restricted Medi-Cal in preparation for the sunsetting of MHLA and the expansion of Full-Scope Medi-Cal in January 2024. The 6-month incentive period runs from May 1, 2023 through October 31, 2023.

The related Provider Information Notice (PIN) 23-01 Medi-Cal Enrollment Incentive Project was emailed to all CPs and is currently available on our website. It provides all details of the project including the various incentive levels and the requisite percentage point increase in Medi-Cal enrollment for each baseline level. On Thursday, May 4, 2023, the MHLA Program Office sent out individual emails to each CP that includes the agency’s baseline percentage of participants already enrolled in Restricted Medi-Cal, a status list of the participants, and the total potential incentive payment that agency could receive. Additionally, the Incentive Project FAQ is also available on our website.

The PIN for this Project, FAQ, and additional resources can be found on our “Adult Full Scope Medi-Cal Expansion” page.