We at My Health LA are thrilled to announce the return of Philip Barragan as the Senior Project Manager for MHLA. We welcome his strong leadership and experience as he will be overseeing the Operations and Audit Teams.
We had an opportunity to catch up with Philip and ask him a few questions in this Q&A.
What is your experience with My Health LA?
My time with MHLA goes back to the beginning of the program. I was on-board with the beginning of the program in 2014. I worked as the DHS liaison for the CPs assisting participants with DHS facility access and referrals to specialty care as well as serving as editor of the CP connection for the first several years of the program.
Where did you go after leaving the program?
I left MHLA to work in our Plan Partnerships Division with health plans that have agreements with the County for non-DHS empaneled patients and the implementation of CalAIM. During the pandemic, I focused my downtime publishing a few graphic novels with my husband via our indie imprint.
How does your community experience guide how you think about MHLA?
Before coming to the County in 2002, my career was working the front lines of CBOs including AltaMed, Being Alive-Long Beach, and the South Bay Free Clinic. Prior to that, after leaving seminary in my 20s, I spent time with ACT-UP LA advocating for HIV/AIDS funding. It’s what drives me. I’m honored to be part of the solution, now more than ever.
What brought you back to the program?
I discovered there was an opportunity within MHLA where I could utilize my skills and knowledge. The timing just seemed right. The universe is filled with the unexpected and was up for the challenge.
What are you most excited about in My Health LA now?
The upcoming Medi-Cal Expansion for 50+ Adults is an exciting project that I am thrilled to take on. We live in a wonderfully progressive state that cares for its most disenfranchised residents. MHLA is a unique program that has bridged the gap in Los Angeles for the residually uninsured. Now, with the opportunity to help our older participants get full-scope Medi-Cal, we have the potential to further improve the quality of life for our older participants.
Do you have a quote for what’s it’s like to be back with us?
One favorite of Khalil Gibran comes to mind: “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Right now, I think we’re all working on healing.