Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Celebrates the End of the Fire Alarm/Nurse Call Project

Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Celebrates the End of the Fire Alarm/Nurse Call Project

By Brenda Yanez and Jessica Kuo
Olive View UCLA image

Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Celebrates the End of the Fire Alarm/Nurse Call Project

Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Celebrates the End of the Fire Alarm/Nurse Call Project 1024 683 Health Services Los Angeles County

Olive View-UCLA Medical Center Celebrates

The End of the Fire Alarm/Nurse Call Project

Over the past 1.5 years, Olive View-UCLA Medical Center (OVMC) has dedicated over 3,000 manpower hours preparing, relocating, and reoccupying 188 departments, inpatient units, clinics, and offices for our Fire Alarm / Nurse Call System Replacement Project. This included the relocation of 2535 computers, 1233 phones, and 196 printers to accommodate the needs of those who were temporarily displaced. Although this project was large in scale and impact, our staff worked together to ensure the continuity of hospital operations and clinical services. As of June 2023, Olive View now has a fully functional state-of-the-art nurse call system that integrates smart beds, ORCHID, and wireless devices to promote efficiency and safe patient care.


Given the immensity of this project, we hosted an Award Ceremony on June 26th, where we recognized those individuals and departments that went above and beyond in support of the project. Dr. Konita Wilks, CEO of OVMC, Alicia Ramos, Capital Projects Program Manager for DPW, and Angelica Ayala, Health Deputy for Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, started off the ceremony with remarks to celebrate the project’s end and everyone’s efforts. Jessica Kuo, COO of OVMC, presented certificates of appreciation to the project’s Move Management, Facilities, IT, Housekeeping, Supply Chain, and Pharmacy teams while also highlighting departmental staff achievements. This work could have not been completed without their dedication and timely execution.

All OVMC staff played a huge role in the success of the project, and we celebrated the hospital as a whole by hosting a Picnic Celebration on June 29th. Staff enjoyed free hamburgers, hotdogs, ice cream, aguas frescas, snacks and massages. Our staff had the opportunity to show off their artistic techniques by rock painting, practicing their dance moves in our Zumba session, and participating in fun team games. It was so great to see our staff enjoying themselves at the celebration!


We are grateful for our OVMC staff’s tremendous dedication and commitment to the hospital, our patients and the communities we serve.

If you’d like more information about our Fire Alarm Project efforts, please email ovmcpio@dhs.lacounty.gov