By: Aruna Anne


ASTER 750 281 Health Services Los Angeles County

LA Health Services (DHS) went live with ASTER (Acuity, Scheduling and Time Employee Resource) Phase 1 in August of last year for nursing staff at 6 Intensive Care Units (ICU) at LA General Medical Center. This involved deploying a suite of software applications for acuity-based patient-facing scheduling and time capture. The software applications provide the ability to: self-schedule, swap shifts, schedule time off, opt-in on shift opportunities and more. This effort has created an electronic platform that has replaced the labor intensive, manual scheduling, timekeeping and reporting process.

Continuing the journey with Phase 2, we are working towards wave 1 implementation this fall for selected nursing areas and ancillaries at LA General Medical Center with subsequent waves implementing the system at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Olive View-UCLA Medical Center, Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center and the Ambulatory Care Network.

The ASTER team is conducting Enterprise Discovery and Build events running in parallel. Activities here include but are not limited to:

    1. Enterprise design decisions review and finalization
    2. Data collection on schedules for employees and realignment of employees into right budget code units
    3. Rebadging and Biometric enrollment
    4. Interface designs and rules established by Human Resources, Finance, Auditor-Controller, Health Services and Cerner teams for data exchange
    5. Conducting future state review, demonstrating the workflows in various domains
    6. OSHPD permits, installation of network cables, electronic clocks and more

Keep watching this space for more updates on ASTER and you can send questions to: