Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for the ACN

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for the ACN

By: The Office of Language Access and Inclusion Erika Flores Uribe, Dawn Flores and Renee Flores

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for the ACN

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for the ACN 621 450 Health Services Los Angeles County

Now more than ever, patients are being cared for in a remote capacity including through phone and virtual health visits in order to keep our staff and communities safe. In 2019-20, Health Services reported that in 53% of total visits, patients indicated a language other than English as their primary language. The pandemic and the transition to more remote care options has made the need for culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate communication very clear given our patient populations. Health Services is committed to continuing to expand our Language Access Services (LAS) in every way we can to provide meaningful access to our limited English proficiency (LEP) patients, including those who use American Sign Language (ASL).

Our staff can access the following Language Access Services to communicate with our Limited English – and non-English speaking patients: In-Person, Video and Telephonic interpretation.  Video and telephonic interpretation have been made available through Telehealth platforms also.

We are excited to share that Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) devices are now available throughout the Urgent Care units in the Ambulatory Care Network (ACN). These units are also available for use by ASL patients throughout each Comprehensive and Regional Health Center. Work continues toward deploying VRI units to the remaining health centers as well.

This VRI deployment was made possible through a partnership with the vendor, LanguageLine Solutions, the same vendor currently providing telephonic interpreting services to all ACN facilities. Their LanguageLine InSight Video Interpreting® Service is a one touch, on-demand, secure access platform hosting video interpreters who provide services in 41 languages, including ASL. It allows our Limited English Proficiency speakers, as well as individuals with a hearing disability, to feel heard and seen by the interpreter and the care provider simultaneously.

Visit the A.C.N. Language Access Webpage to learn more:  Language Access Services (

For more information, contact: Dawn Flores,
