

Labs 150 150 Health Services Los Angeles County


Appointments Coming Soon (MLK to go live first) Laboratory Services include blood work, urine tests, and other tests your doctor decides you need. If you go to the Lab in the same clinic where your doctor works, your doctor will send an electronic order to the lab letting them know you need services. If you…

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Diagnostic Services 150 150 Health Services Los Angeles County

Diagnostic Services

Labs Laboratory Services include blood work, urine tests, and other tests your doctor decides you need. If you go to the Lab in the same clinic where your doctor works, your doctor will send an electronic order to the lab letting them know you need services. If you go to a lab that is in…

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Radiology 150 150 Health Services Los Angeles County


Health Services provides radiology services, such as mammograms and chest x-rays. Your doctor will send an electronic order to the radiology department letting them know you need services there. The radiology department will call you to schedule your imaging study. If you have not been called within two (2) weeks of your doctor placing the…

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