eConsult Trainings for Community Partners

eConsult Trainings for Community Partners

Ray Plaza, Program Advocate
Cropped Image Of Businessman

eConsult Trainings for Community Partners

eConsult Trainings for Community Partners 1024 683 My Health LA

We are happy to announce that MHLA and the eConsult Team has scheduled our eConsult Referral Coordinator Refresher Training (Non-RC are welcome to join!).  The training is scheduled during our regular Referrals Meeting on Microsoft Teams on February 16 at 11:00 am.  We will provide an overview of the eConsult platform while highlighting features commonly used by Referral Coordinators in initiating and updating eConsult dialogues.  Please plan to join us!  Below is the meeting link:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 323-776-6996,,302604765#   United States, Los Angeles

Phone Conference ID: 302 604 765#

NOTE:  Because of strong support during our recent Referrals Meeting, we plan to soon schedule an eConsult refresher training for MHLA providers (Date TBD).  More to come!