MHLA is now recruiting for participants and family members to join the My Health LA Community Council. We want MHLA participant feedback and recommendations on all aspects of the My Health LA program!
The vision of the MHLA Community Council is “to collaborate with our participants and their families to improve their experience and the quality of the MHLA program.” The council will function much like a hospital or clinic patient advisory council and will have regular meetings facilitated in English and Spanish. The meetings will be held virtually (phone or video).
We are hoping you can help us with recruitment for MHLA Community Council to your participants. That could mean having enrollers mention it to MHLA participants when they renew their applications, putting the hard copy of the flyer in the clinics, sending it out via text, uploading it on your website or sharing in any other way that would help. We are hoping to have council members selected by late January, so the sooner the better!
Please see the flyer in English and Spanish for more information and interested participants can call MHLA Member Services at 1-844-744-6452 or they can email After we hear from them, we will reach out to them directly.