Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Health Services part of the Internal Services Department (ISD)?

No, Health Services is not a part of the Internal Services Department (ISD), although both ISD and Health Services are both County departments within the Government of the County of Los Angeles. ISD specifically provides internal services (i.e., IT, facilities operations, purchasing and central services) to other County departments, including Health Services. For more information, visit

What does the solicitation process entail?

The solicitation process varies, depending on the type of solicitation (e.g., RFP, RFSQ, IFB, etc.) and the specific requirements of each solicitation. The solicitation documents prepared by our Division include specific instructions and requirements to help vendors navigate through Los Angeles County’s solicitation process. If you have any questions or require clarification regarding a particular solicitation, please contact the Contract Analyst listed in the solicitation documents.

How do I add my business to the Health Services bidder’s list to receive announcements of upcoming solicitations?

Please email

My business is currently doing business with LA County through ISD (Internal Services Department). How can I do business with Health Services?

If you are presently doing business with the LA County, you have already registered as an LA County vendor. Please check our Open Bids  page for any solicitations that your business may qualify for.

My business provides supplies and goods. How do I do business with Health Services?

Our Division exclusively handles transactions that involve the acquisition of services. Health Services Supply Chain Operations handles the supply and purchase of goods and commodities for Health Services. If you believe that your business can help meet Health Services’ purchasing needs, please visit for more information.