Who We Are – Health Center

Edward R. Roybal Comprehensive Health Center

header-title-decorationWho We Are – Health Center

The Edward R. Roybal Comprehensive Health Center is part of the Department of Health Service Ambulatory Care Network. It’s one of the facilities of the East Los Angeles Health Center Group. Our clinic provides access to medical services to adult and pediatric patients in the East Los Angeles community with the commitment to excellence and to improve the health of those we serve. Services are delivered in a safe, patient-centered environment that is accessible to the entire community.

Dr. Gregory M. Roybal, M.D., M.P.H.​

Dr. Gregory M. Roybal, M.D. is the Director of the East Los Angeles Health Center Group.  Dr. Roybal has focused his efforts in health care delivery as it pertains to patients with chronic illness. As the Co-Chair of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Service’s Disease Management Oversight Team, he has been actively involved in the planning, implementation, and support of the chronic disease management program for Health Services and is committed to maintaining and growing this delivery model as a key component of a model for the delivery of care to the patients with chronic illness.

Nursing Director​
Jorge Urquizu, R.N., M.S.N.​

Jorge Urquizu is the Nursing Director for East Los Angeles Health Center Group and the San Gabriel Valley Health Center Group. He joined the Ambulatory Care Network team after extensive experience as a Nurse Manager at LA General Medical Center and Department of Public Health. Jorge earned an undergraduate and master’s degree in Nursing from the University of Phoenix. He strives to provide high quality, patient-centered health care through our primary care medical home and specialty services

Assistant Administrator​
Crystal Diaz, M.H.A.​

Crystal Diaz, serves as the Assistant Administrator for the East Los Angeles Health Center Group at the Edward R. Roybal Comprehensive Health Center, and East Los Angeles Health Center.

Crystal joined the Health Services in 2006 as a Post Graduate Fellow at LA General Medical Center after serving as the Administrative Resident at Scripps Health in San Diego.  She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Administration from California State University, Long Beach and her Master of Health Administration degree with a graduate certificate in Ambulatory Care Management from the University of Southern California.  Crystal remains actively involved at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy as a mentor to applicants interested in health administration.