Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Your Personal Information is Safe With Us
Health Services understands the importance of your privacy. We only use your personal information to provide your quality health care. Health Services does not share information about patients to immigration or law enforcement officials.
Health Services treats all patients with dignity and respect.
LACHealth Services is committed to anti-racism, and to serving all patients with dignity and respect.
Health Services has a code of conduct.
LACHealth Services does not tolerate threats, rude behavior, or acts of violence against staff or patients at any clinic or hospital. LACHealth Services has the right to tell you that you can no longer receive your care with us if you abuse anyone at LACHealth Services. For a complete list of your rights and responsibilities at Health Services, click HERE.
Health Services will help you if you have a problem.
Your medical home may be able to help you if you are not happy with the care you received or have questions about the care given to you. If the problem is still not resolved, you can call or visit the patient relations office in your clinic or hospital. You will not be treated differently if you complain or seek help.
Know Your Rights
As a patient you have rights. Learn more about how to file a grievance about the quality of health care services you receive. You also have rights as a Medi-Cal member and member of your health plan. Learn more by clicking HERE.