
Immigrant Services
Health Services provides health care to everyone regardless of immigration status. Patients can receive primary care at Health Services clinics or My Health LA community clinics. Find a clinic by clicking here.


LA Health Services provides health care to everyone regardless of immigration status. Find a clinic by clicking here. LA Health Services does not collaborate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or any other immigration enforcement agencies. This means: All County properties are designated as Sensitive Locations. At these Sensitive Locations, no one may use County resources—such as personnel, funds, or property—for activities related to immigration enforcement or immigration investigation, except for law enforcement engaged in a legitimate law enforcement purpose primarily unrelated to civil immigration law.

L.A. County also offers additional resources for immigrants and their families through the Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA). The number for OIA is 1-800-593-8222. Click here for more information.

Know Your Right Graphic

Know Your Rights

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Know yours when you are encountering immigration officials. You can view and print Know Your Rights cards (also known as Red Cards) in 17 languages here: Know Your Rights Cards. Also available in Armenian and Farsi.


Medical Legal Community Partnership provides free legal help with immigration, evictions, domestic violence, benefits and more. Call (818) 485-0575 or e-mail


The One Degree website has a guide with information about accessing food, childcare, immigration help and more. Many are available regardless of immigration status. Visit the website here.

2-1-1 has information for immigrants about rights, resources and available benefits. There is also information for people who are new to the country. Call 211 or (800) 339-6993 to learn more.