Health Care Centers


LA County Steps Up

LA County Steps Up 1024 768 Health Care Centers

With Latinx and Black residents disproportionately affected by the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, MLK OPC CEO Yolanda Vera, and community partners shared information to local media outlets on Friday, August 7, 2020 about how Los Angeles County has ramped up efforts to serve as the safety net for particularly vulnerable communities in South and Southeast LA – regardless of ability to pay or immigration status.

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Breathmobile Can Rescue Students

Breathmobile Can Rescue Students 840 630 Health Care Centers

PALMDALE — Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger unveiled the Breathemobile — a new mobile clinic that will visit Antelope Valley schools to treat youngsters with asthma and allergies — at a Friday afternoon ceremony at Dos Caminos Dual Immersion School.

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A doctor taking a nasal swab from a driver

What’s happening in the ACN

What’s happening in the ACN 1024 683 Health Care Centers

Health Services is fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. While the Medical Centers care for the very ill patients affected by COVID-19, the Ambulatory Care Network (ACN) has taken on a key role in community volume testing for Coronavirus…

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