A structure 24-week intensive classroom and clinical curriculum.
The residency program provides in-depth knowledge in specialty care& development of communication, critical thinking and clinical-reasoning skills.
It additionally provides strategies for self-care, stress management and promotes career planning.
The TOP (Transformational Opportunities for Leadership) Program offers an exceptional opportunity for DHS managers and supervisors to elevate their leadership skills from traditional to transformational. As DHS continues its journey of transformation, our managers play a crucial role in driving success throughout the organization. They help staff navigate complex challenges and changes by enlisting their talents and insights. Through their leadership, we produce results that positively impact our workforce, patients, and communities.
As part of our commitment to becoming a nationally recognized model integrated health system, LA General Medical Center introduces LEAP (Leadership Excellence Advancement Program). This program equips managers with practical skills and techniques to effectively engage, lead, and develop their teams. By enhancing their abilities, we support the culture change and transformation journey of DHS, fostering a high-performing workforce.
TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) is designed to help health care professionals improve patient safety and quality through effective communication and teamwork skills. Health care teams that communicate effectively and have mutual support reduce the potential for error, resulting in enhanced patient safety and improved performance.
We are proud to showcase the various programs and awards that highlight the exceptional work of our nursing team at LA General Medical Center. Our commitment to compassionate care, effective communication, and strong leadership ensures that our patients receive the highest quality of care.