Patient Services
Health Services is an integrated system of health centers, community clinics and hospitals that offer you and your loved ones the care you need to stay well. This includes primary care, like check-ups and immunizations, as well as the specialty care you need to treat a serious illness or a chronic disease. Specialty services can be provided in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Our goal is to be your primary care medical home, a place where you go for regular care by a team of health professionals where services are coordinated.
What services can I get at Health Services?
Health Services provides primary care services, such as basic health care traditionally provided by doctors trained in family practice, pediatric, internal medicine and gynecology. Health Services also provides specialty care services, which is specialized health care provided by physicians whose training is focused primarily in a specific field, such as neurology, cardiology, rheumatology, dermatology, oncology, orthopedics, ophthalmology and other specialized fields.
If you are new to the Health Services healthcare system, the best place to start is to visit a Health Services clinic near you and select it as your medical home. When you choose a medical home, you will always go to that clinic and see the same team of health professionals when you need care. They will have your medical records and help you get the care you need. Whether you go to the hospital or to the specialist, all of your care is coordinated through your medical home.
Services at LA General Medical Center
Main Telephone: (323) 409-1000
LA General Medical Center offers primary and specialty services in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Listed below are major clinical departments and divisions. If you want to learn more about the range of services offered, call the main number listed above to talk to a hospital representative who can help guide you to the right services.
Cancer Care Committee Public Reporting of Outcomes – Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
Cancer Care Committee Public Reporting of Outcomes – Treatment of Lung Cancer
Cancer Care Committee Public Reporting of Outcomes – Stomach Cancer 2018
Cancer Care Committee Public Reporting of Outcomes – Treatment of Gastric Cancer 2019
- General Anesthesiology
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- Critical Care
- Obstetric Anesthesia
- Pain Management
- Pediatric Anesthesia
- Peri-Operative Services
- Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
- General Practice
Emergency Medicine
- Resuscitation Admitting
- Non Critical Trauma
- Ambulatory
- Residency Training
- Toxicology
- Pre Hospital Care
- Hyperbaric Chamber
- Chest Pain Unit
Family Medicine
- Primary and Specialty Care
- Mental Health Services
- Support programs
- The Alexis Project/LGBTQ Health
- Cardiovascular
- Endocrinology
- GI and Liver Disease
- Palliative Geriatric
- Hematology
- Infectious Diseases
- Nephrology
- Oncology
- Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine
- Rheumatology
- Epilepsy
- Movement Disorders
- Neuromuscular Disorder
- Stroke
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery
- Endovascular Neurosurgery
- Neurotrauma Neurosurgical ICU
- Pediatric Neurosurgery
- Peripheral Nerve Neurosurgery
- Radiosurgery
- Spinal Neurosurgery
- Neuro-oncology
Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Gynecology
- Reproductive Endocrine Infertility
- Family Planning
- Gynecology Oncology
- Female Pelvic Medicine/Reproductive Surgery
- Cornea
- Glaucoma
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Pediatrics
- Retina
- Foot and Ankle Services
- Hand Services
- Infection Service
- Oncology Service
- Pediatrics Orthopedic Services
- Podiatry
- Spine Services
- Sports Medicine
- Trauma Services
- Clinical Pathology
- Anatomic Pathology
- Cytology
- Electron Microscopy
- Hematopathology
- Histology
- Immunohistochemistry
- Neuropathology
- Special Chemistry
- Surgical Pathology
- Autopsy
- Transfusion Medicine
- Allergy
- Cardiology
- Child Development
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Genetics
- Hematology
- Infectious Disease
- Neonatology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Oncology
- Pediatrics Inpatient
- Pediatrics Outpatient
- Adult Inpatient
- Adult Outpatient
- Child/Adolescent
- Forensic
- Emergency
Radiation Oncology
- Body Imaging
- Musculoskeletal
- Neuroradiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Vascular/Interventional
- Womens Imaging
- Acute Care Surgery
- Burns
- Cardiac Surgery
- Colorectal
- General Laparoscopic
- Plastics
- Thoracic
- Surgical Oncology
- Vascular