Surgical Oncology
The Los Angeles County Breast Clinic is a state of the art treatment and research facility associated with USC/Norris Hospital. We have put together a multidisciplinary team of experienced physicians and scientists who are all dedicated to breast cancer research and comprehensive patient care. All of these services are found in one convenient location. Each woman is treated individually, and guided from her first visit through counseling, diagnosis, treatment, reconstruction, and after-care treatment. This comprehensive approach to care provides the latest technology and clinical expertise along with emotional support.
Mammography continues to be the best screening tool available for the diagnosis of breast cancer. Digital mammography provides a quicker, sharper, and more enhanced image to identify the cancer more accurately. All of our mammography units at USC are digital.
We have implemented a two-step method for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. The diagnosis is made with image-guided core biopsy before the patient enters the operating room. The pathology results from each biopsy are evaluated in the weekly “Triple Test” conference by the radiologist, surgeon, and pathologist for concordance, and follow-up recommendations are made. This approach gives the patient access to a multidisciplinary team of breast cancer specialists prior to making a treatment plan. The Breast Center “team” is devoted to a comprehensive evaluation of each patient. We have the most up-to-date biopsy devices, which include digital stereotactic tables and hand-held Mammotome biopsy devices.
We are associated with the Lynne Cohen Preventive Care Clinic for Women’s Cancers that was created through a generous grant from the Lynne Cohen Foundation for Ovarian Cancer Research. It is dedicated to finding an early detection test for ovarian cancer, establishing high-risk clinics for women with family members who have been diagnosed with ovarian or breast cancers and finding better clinical treatments for women struggling with these diseases.
Meet Our Team
Linda J. Hovanessian-Larsen, MD
Chief of Breast Imaging
Pulin A. Sheth, MD
Mary W. Yamashita, MD
Sandy Lee, MD Radiologist
Mead Johnson, MD Radiologist
The LA General Breast Center Surgery team is multidisciplinary, meaning that we work with a variety of specialists who all work closely together to guide women through evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Many of our team members are nationally recognized experts in the field of treating women with breast cancer. Our staff is consistently dedicated to ensuring high quality and innovative care that is carried through all aspects of your care. Patients who come to the University of Southern California / Norris Comprehensive Breast Care Center receive comprehensive, advanced treatment from a team of dedicated, experienced and compassionate breast cancer specialists.
Meet Our Team
Stephen F. Sener, MD,Surgical Oncology
Section Chief, Division of Breast/Soft Tissue and Endocrine Surgery
Julie E. Lang, MD,FACS
Surgical Oncology
Howard Silberman, MD
Surgical Oncology
Healther MacDonald, MD
Breast Surgery
Maria E. Nelson, MD
Breast Surgery