Booster Shots are Here!

Booster Shots are Here!

Booster Shots are Here!

Booster Shots are Here!

Booster Shots are Here! 1024 576 Health Services Los Angeles County

Together, we made great progress in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for doing your part in getting vaccinated, wearing a mask and social distancing.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended that some people who are fully vaccinated with Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna vaccines can get booster shots 6 months after their second shot and all individuals may get a booster 2 months after a Johnson & Johnson vaccination. Here is an article that goes into detail regarding the various recommendations.

A booster shot strengthens the level of protection against the virus. Studies show that the protection against COVID-19 may weaken over time.

People eligible to get a Pfizer or Moderna booster (6 months after their second dose) must be:

  • 65 years or older, or
  • 18 years or older with underlying medical conditions, or
  • 18 years or older and work in a setting (including healthcare facilities) that puts them at higher risk for getting and spreading COVID-19, or
  • 18 years or older with a higher risk for social inequities (factors that affect health and quality of life)

For those who received the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine, there are no special populations.  All J&J recipients can get a booster 2 months after their first dose.

Additionally, the FDA and the CDC have approved heterologous or “mix and match” of the vaccines as follows:

    1. Those who received the first dose of the J&J vaccine may get a booster (at 2 months) of any vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna or J&J)
    2. Those who received the second dose of an mRNA vaccine may get any of the 3 vaccines as a booster (6 months after their second dose).

Pfizer booster shots are now available at select Health Services facilities for our workforce members! To schedule your appointment, go to: Use access code: B16YRH4FKQ. Please do not share this access code with non-Health Services workforce members as they will not be able to schedule a vaccination from Health Services.

Moderna and J&J booster shots are also available to all eligible individuals, with scheduling via MyTurn, participating pharmacies or through your regular healthcare provider.