


Understanding all your options is key if you find out you are pregnant when you are not ready or do not want to be. We understand that it may take time to decide what is right for you, and we are here to provide personalized care one-to-one to support you and talk about your options through our CARE121 line. 

 Abortion is safe and legal in California. We offer two kinds of abortions: 

  • Medication abortion (also called the “abortion pill”): your provider will give you medication to take in the privacy of your home or where you feel safe to do so, to end your pregnancy. 
  • Procedure abortion: you come into the clinic for a procedure to end your pregnancy 

 Choosing to end a pregnancy is a personal decision. Our care team helps with abortion services in ways that help people feel safe and comfortable, and make sure you get an appointment quickly.  

Our care one-to-one (CARE121) support focuses on you. It includes counseling, getting current medical information and education, and help with other important needs like transportation, getting healthy food, finding childcare and more. 

Abortion services are confidential and provided free to low cost for people of all ages. 

Call (877) CARE121 Monday through Friday 7:30am-6:30pm to make an appointment or talk to our care team for more information.