ODR Newsletter – Diversions Fall 2022

ODR Newsletter – Diversions Fall 2022

ODR Newsletter – Diversions Fall 2022 150 150 OFFICE OF DIVERSION AND REENTRY


A quarterly newsletter from the Office of Diversion and Reentry

Welcome to the Fall issue of the Office of Diversion and Reentry’s quarterly newsletter, created to connect our community through highlighting successes and sharing information. We’d love to include your news too! Send tips, success stories, opportunities or example’s of your team’s work to Angela Caputo acaputo@dhs.lacounty.gov.

Fall 2022 Marzen

Open up and get the help

Open up and get the help 1024 677 OFFICE OF DIVERSION AND REENTRY

In our last newsletter we put out a call for good news stories and were blown away by one in particular. “My story needs to be told,” Marzen, a participant in ODR women’s housing said, “because if there is someone thinking that there is no way out, I want them to know there is.”

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ODR Housing Expansion Gets the Green Light

ODR Housing Expansion Gets the Green Light 1024 683 OFFICE OF DIVERSION AND REENTRY

For months, there’s been a growing chorus calling for the expansion of ODR’s clinical housing program. Activists have demonstrated and judges have written op-eds pointing out the need to build on the program’s success in moving sick people out of jail and into transformative community-based housing. 

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Reentry Expanding with $20M Grant

Reentry Expanding with $20M Grant 150 150 OFFICE OF DIVERSION AND REENTRY

The Reentry Division has been awarded $20 million in state funding to expand mental health and substance use for job seekers. 

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ODR Group Photo

Harm Reduction Pushes Deeper into Programs, and Communities

Harm Reduction Pushes Deeper into Programs, and Communities 767 475 OFFICE OF DIVERSION AND REENTRY

Last month Gov. Gavin Newsom dealt the harm reduction community a setback in vetoing a bill that would have created a pathway for safe consumption sites in parts of California. But that hasn’t slowed DHS’ Harm Reduction division down.  

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