Mental Health Month and Training Link

Mental Health Month and Training Link

By: LA County Staff
Digital Brain

Mental Health Month and Training Link

Mental Health Month and Training Link 1024 768 My Health LA

Mental health awareness month is a celebration of humanity! In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health launched its Take Action for Mental Health L.A. County campaign this week.  As part of the campaign, grant-funded community events will take place throughout May and June 2023 and include free community fairs, art festivals, after-school programs, yoga and 5K run/walk activities, professional conferences, mental health trainings, outreach campaigns, and much more.

Additionally, LACDMH will host free community fairs in each of the eight L.A. County service planning areas. Each event will provide free resources, connections, physical and mental well-being themed giveaway items, free meals in warm, celebratory atmospheres that will foster community and togetherness. All events will focus on decreasing stigma and discrimination, increasing help-seeking behaviors, awareness of and access to mental health services and resources. To learn more about the campaign, visit

For a complete list of all May and June Take Action for Mental Health L.A. County events, visit

Find LA County Resources: Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH)

Mental Health Awareness Month banner

As of late April, the Survey Monkey link at the end of the MHLA Prevention Training videos is now closed. The MS Form link at the end of this article will replace the old link and function as the new ATTESTATION form for the Mental Health Prevention Trainings videos starting May 1, 2023.

Like in the past. staff should complete the new MS Form after they finish watching the Prevention Training video(s).  Individuals should complete one form per training. Once staff open the link, they will need to follow the instructions provided. Staff may also access the MS Form using the QR Code below. Their Attestation will be recorded once they complete/submit the MS Form.

We will confirm receipt of staff’s Attestation as usual.

If you or your staff have any questions about the MS Form or Attestation process, please contact Sylvia Guerrero at, or by phone at (213) 947-6480.

MS Form – MHLA Prevention Training Attestation Link:

Mental Health Form QR Code