My Health LA will be making amendments to the Community Partner Contract to reflect recent and upcoming developments regarding the state of healthcare coverage in Los Angeles County. Here is a brief overview of changes:
- Changes to the Core Agreement
- Amendments will be made to reflect the upcoming Medi-Cal Older Adult Expansion. Chiefly, age eligibility criteria for participants will be adjusted to the new range of 26 to 49 years of age. Furthermore, provisions are made such that MHLA participants who turn 50 will be disenrolled on the last day of the month they turn 50 years of age.
- Changes to the Statement of Work
- Section 5.5.2 regarding payment due date for monthly grant funding is increased from 80 days to 90 days.
- Added provision for MHLA participants where those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS should be disenrolled from MHLA by the MHLA program, with the Community Partner to initiate a warm hand-off to be enrolled in the Ryan White Program
- Eligibility adjustments to account for the Medi-Cal Older Adult Expansion
- Other Changes
- Change of references of “Satellite Sites” to “Intermittent Sites” where applicable
- Clarifications regarding Dental Care Services and access to those services to reflect how the program operates
- Syntax and grammatical adjustments for clarity.
- Vaccine requirements for contractors