50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update

50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update

By: Jorrel Sampana, MHLA
Coming Soon

50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update

50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update 1024 673 My Health LA

Approximately 37,000 MHLA participants who were 50 years of age or older were disenrolled from the MHLA program on May 1 after becoming eligible for Medi-Cal under recent changes to the eligibility requirements. We are currently projecting that a further 23,000 be disenrolled from the MHLA program by July 31, 2022. A disenrollment letter was sent out in May to participants informing them that they had been disenrolled from MHLA due to the 50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal transition; another letter is planned to go out in August informing participants similarly.

Like the initial disenrollment wave, please continue to encourage and assist eligible adults to enroll in Medi-Cal. For assistance with enrollment, here are a few organizations with available resources for guidance: CHOI, and BAILA Network or 1-888-624-4752. In addition, a FAQ for CPs is available here. For enrollment assistance, a list of CHOI contractors can be found here. In addition, Provider Bulletin 12 was released in late April, and details the Medi-Cal Expansion as well as the DHS plan for specialty care patients.

Finally, in accordance with the changes in requirements/eligibility for MHLA, contract changes that have been mentioned in a prior newsletter have become effective May 1, 2022. A brief overview of the contract changes can be found here.