50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update and Call Project

50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update and Call Project

By: Jorrel Sampana, MHLA
Self management

50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update and Call Project

50+ Older Adult Medi-Cal Transition Update and Call Project 1024 683 My Health LA

On July 31, 2022, My Health LA will be disenrolling the final wave of our participants who now qualify for Medi-Cal under the older-adult expansion. We plan on getting in contact with those who will be disenrolled via a combination of robocalls, text messaging, and calls. The messaging for the robocalls and texting will be sent out to those participants still in MHLA who are 50 years of age or older and will remind these participants to sign up for Medi-Cal as soon as possible. My Health LA staff are also personally calling MHLA participants who are 60 years of age or older to urge them to enroll in Medi-Cal and inform them that they will be disenrolled from My Health LA at the end of July.

Please continue to encourage MHLA participants to sign up for Medi-Cal. For questions or information related to immigration status and healthcare, the BAILA Network provides excellent support and resources for families and essential workers so they can access public benefits. In addition, a FAQ for CPs is available here. For enrollment assistance, a list of CHOI contractors can be found here. In addition, Provider Bulletin 12 was released in late April and details the Medi-Cal Expansion as well as the DHS plan for specialty care patients.