MLK, Jr. Outpatient Department COVID-19 Taskforce reaches out to the African American Faith-Based Community

MLK, Jr. Outpatient Department COVID-19 Taskforce reaches out to the African American Faith-Based Community

By: Lisa Jenkins Baughman DNP, FNP-BC; MLK OPD, Pediatric Hub Clinic

MLK, Jr. Outpatient Department COVID-19 Taskforce reaches out to the African American Faith-Based Community

MLK, Jr. Outpatient Department COVID-19 Taskforce reaches out to the African American Faith-Based Community 514 472 Health Services Los Angeles County

*GCFI announcement and Lauren Yu, M.D. and Matthew Yu, M.D.

Sherrie Joseph -Participant and Felisha Eugenio, M.D.

Sherrie Joseph -Participant and Felisha Eugenio, M.D.

The COVID-19 virus tragically took many lives over the past year. Los Angeles (L.A.) County saw alarming rates of morbidity and mortality. African Americans (A.A.) have been especially affected by this pandemic; but with the scientific development of the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, there is now light at the end of the tunnel. Vaccinating the A.A. community has to be handled with care and sensitivity due to the well-known and documented historical tragedy of past government vaccines. It is also extremely important to make certain the A.A. community receives the most current, factual information available.

Tasha Dixon, M.D., Ellen Rothman, M.D., Dana Martin-Participant, Nandi Wiltz-Participant

Tasha Dixon, M.D., Ellen Rothman, M.D., Dana Martin-Participant, Nandi Wiltz-Participant

Keeping our finger on the pulse of our L.A. county residents, Martin Luther King, Jr. Outpatient Department saw a need and took the lead to proactively educate and care for those who may be hesitant and distrustful of the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. On March 27, 2021 a diverse COVID-19 taskforce provided an open and informative panel discussion in a personal and comfortable setting to the predominately A.A. women’s ministry group at Glory Christian Fellowship International. The team consisted of Ellen Rothman MD, Jasmine Eugenio MD, Felisha Eugenio MD, Dr. Dixon, Matt Yu MD, Lauren Yu MD, and Lisa Baughman NP.

The panel provided evidence-based information on the efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. Many questions were answered dispelling rumors and diminishing the rightful fears of A.A. regarding government vaccines. At the end of the discussion, several audience participants verbalized an understanding about the efficacy of the vaccines and that the vaccines were developed to save lives and to help prevent the further spread of the virus. The participants were given the eligibility criteria and the location of open vaccine sites and encouraged to make appointments for themselves and their loved ones.

Jasmine Eugenio, M.D., Lisa Baughman, N.P., Out of State Participant

Jasmine Eugenio, M.D., Lisa Baughman, N.P., Out of State Participant

It will take the concerted effort of healthcare providers, political leaders, and community and faith-based organizations to ensure that every L.A. county resident is vaccinated for the protection of us all. Please click on the link to view the panel discussion in its entirety:

Please contact Lisa Jenkins Baughman DNP, FNP-BC with any questions on this important taskforce at: (424) 338-2881