Keeping you Safe: New Indoor Mask Requirements from the Public Health Order of the Health Officer

Keeping you Safe: New Indoor Mask Requirements from the Public Health Order of the Health Officer

Indoor Mask requirements for health officers

Keeping you Safe: New Indoor Mask Requirements from the Public Health Order of the Health Officer

Keeping you Safe: New Indoor Mask Requirements from the Public Health Order of the Health Officer 800 450 Health Services Los Angeles County

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has issued a new Order of the Health Officer requiring vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals to wear masks indoors.  The new Delta variant is highly contagious, especially among the unvaccinated, and is contributing significantly to the increasing positivity rates and hospitalization rates in LA County, and throughout the country.  As healthcare professionals we continue to support and respect the mandates and follow the adjustments over time.  Here is the link to the new Public Health Order of the Health Officer and directives on how to safely navigate the community and the workplace.  The highlighted text shows what is new.

The surge in COVID-19 cases is an excellent reminder of why vaccination is so important to get the pandemic under control. Dr. Sanjay Gupta from CNN recently penned an article on the importance of getting vaccinated. It can be found here.

As a health system we are modeling best practices in protective measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your continued support.
