Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency
What are aerosol generating procedures (AGPs)?
AGPs are procedures that can aerosolize COVID-19 particles, such that they are suspended in the air. These procedures include: nebulized treatments, CPAP, BMV, suctioning, laryngoscopy, advanced airway placement, and chest compressions.
Can we reuse PPE between patients/calls?
Surgical masks and N95/P100 respirators can be reused up to 5 times unless if you have been in contact with a patient that screens positive, the mask is visibly soiled, the mask gets contaminated with bodily fluids, or it is used in an aerosol generating procedure. See TP 1245 and CDC guidance for more information.
What is the appropriate level of PPE to wear on calls?
For all calls, the minimum donned PPE consists of a surgical mask, eye protection, and gloves. For any call with aerosol generating procedures, an N95 or P100 respirator, eye protection, gloves, and gown as supplies allow, should be donned.