A Unique Education
Your First Step to Success
Through a community-based educational program with access to outstanding clinical facilities, we are helping today’s students prepare for complex challenges facing tomorrow’s nurse. It’s an especially exciting time to become part of this fast-paced, rewarding profession. And there’s no place in the world like Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health to prepare for the future.
A Special Place
- A stimulating climate providing fast-paced learning experiences.
- A unique environment offering problem-solving in action.
- A patient population representing a diversity of backgrounds and a broad range of medical diagnoses.
A Special Education
- Excellent programs effectively balancing formal classroom instruction with clinical hands-on experience.
- Courses of study based on the changing needs of patients and the community.
- Student participation in the course and program evaluation.
- Access to a library with a collection focused on nursing.
- Clinical experiences in Health Services facilities.
- Nursing Skills Laboratory to enhance clinical instruction.
- Computer Laboratory to support learning.
Special Graduates
- Recognized nationwide as outstanding practitioners in nursing.
- The high success rate on national licensing examination on the first sitting.
- Consistently outstanding employer performance ratings.
Special Student Body
- Student ages range from under 20 to over 60 years.
- Almost 20% of students are men.
- The School of Nursing was established in 1895 and the first male graduated in 1904
- A long number of the students are pursuing a second and come with a variety of backgrounds.
- Student demographics reflect the diversity of the Los Angeles County population. Almost 75% of the students represent minorities and well over one-third are Hispanic.
Special Career
- The potential for career advancement and growth for professional nurses is greater than ever before. The range and variety of specialty areas are broad.
- The compensation and benefits, as well as the diverse opportunities for continuing education and professional growth, make nursing a most attractive career.