Faculty Staff Contact Information
Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health Faculty/Staff Contact Information
All four-digit extensions begin with (323) 409-
Name | Position | Extension | |
Anderson, Jeff | Director, Tutoring and Mentoring Program | jeanderson@dhs.lacounty.gov |
8212 |
Antonio-Estillore, Theresa | Clinical Instructor | MEstillore@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2732 |
Arafiles, Edwin | Student Clerk | EArafiles@dhs.lacounty.gov |
5911 |
Arquell, Naira | Nursing Instructor | narquell@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2738 |
Bachman, Nicholas | Nursing Instructor | Nbachman@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2734 |
Barba, Laura | EDCOS Clerk | LBarba2@dhs.lacounty.gov |
5911 |
Black, Alisha | Clinical Instructor | ablack@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2731 |
Branchick, Vivian | College Provost | VBranchick1@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2747 |
Brodzik, Heather | Clinical Instructor | hbrodzik@dhs.lacounty.gov |
8227 |
Chisholm-Cervantes, Frances | Nursing Instructor | fcervantes@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2722 |
Davis, Beena | Coordinator, Semester One | beenadavis@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2724 |
De La Torre, Irene | Director, Allied Health Continuing Education | ilatorre@dhs.lacounty.gov |
6509 |
Escudero, Grace | Coordinator, Semester Three | gescudero@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2730 |
Felix, Jose | Clinical Instructor | josfelix@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2763 |
Fernandez-Najera, Maritess | Nursing Instructor | mnajera@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2750 |
Gonzales, Mildred | Dean and Program Director | mgonzales@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2737 |
Griggs-Gabbedon, Ruby | Director, Educational Resource Center | rgriggs@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2752 |
Guardado, Mirna | Clinical Instructor | mguardado@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2726 |
Guerrero, Martha | Clinical Instructor | myguerrero@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2761 |
Honda, Herminia | Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Planning | hhonda@dhs.lacounty.gov |
6301 |
Imanaka-Gong, Tricia | Skills Lab Coordinator | timanaka@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2729 |
Ivory, Zenobia | Nursing Instructor | zivory@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2736 |
Kieng, Visna | College Information Officer | vkieng@dhs.lacoungy.gov |
2728 |
Lim, Edeline | Secretary to Provost | ELim2@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2747 |
Lim, Nerhiza | Financial Aid Coordinator | NLim2@dhs.lacounty.gov |
5911 |
Magsayo, Kim | Senior Nursing Instructor | kmagsayo@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2762 |
Major, Pamela | Nursing Instructor | pmajor@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2766 |
Mazzocco, Lisa | Nursing Instructor | lmazzocco@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2721 |
McLawyer, Beverly | Senior Nursing Instructor | bevmclawyer@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2717 |
Myers, Leonece | Coordinator, Semester Four | lmyers@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2755 |
Nava-Burgos, Erik | Allied Health Clerk | enava-burgos@dhs.lacounty.gov |
5911 |
Ochoa, Robert Jr. | Administrative Assistant | rochoa@dhs.lacounty.gov |
7334 |
Ochoa, Yolanda | Library Assistant | yochoa@dhs.lacounty.gov |
6521 |
Perez, Victoria. | Clinical Instructor | voperez@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2757 |
Renteria, Nestor Jr. | Clinical Instructor | NRenteriaJR@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2788 |
Respicio, Norma | Support Clerk | nrespicio@dhs.lacounty.gov |
6511 |
Roa, Mae | Nursing Instructor | mroa@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2723 |
Sic Alonzo, Clara | Clinical Instructor | csicalonzo@dhs.lacounty.gov |
7130 |
Suazo, Erika | Admissions Clerk | esuazo@dhs.lacounty.gov |
5911 |
Thampa, Roshan | Transcript Clerk | rthapa@dhs.lacounty.gov |
5917 |
Thompson, Lydia | Coordinator, Semester Two | lythompson@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2748 |
Tolosa, Marisa | Medical Librarian | MTolosa2@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2748 |
Tomta, Odette NJecheu | Nursing Instructor | OTomta@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2762 |
Trongone, Trina | Dean, College Operations and Student Support Services | ttrongone@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2787 |
Valdes, Raisa Karina | Clinical Instructor | RValdes@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2754 |
Wang, Ying JW | Clinical Nursing Instructor | ywang2@dhs.lacounty.gov |
2725 |